Client: Addiction Care Today (ACT)
ACT at Rhode Island Hospital is part of Brown University Health Addiction Medicine. ACT offers walk-in and same-day appointments to make it easy for people who use drugs and alcohol to start treatment. 
The Brief: 
Center for Complexity (CfC)  at RISD was asked to design a campaign for National Recovery Month in Providence, Rhode Island, USA in collaboration with Addiction Care Today (ACT).
The Solution:
No-Stigma Awareness Campaign: CfC worked with ACT to examine the role that stigma plays in people’s experience of health care, to help them find where stigma lurks even in the efforts of well-meaning institutions and individuals, and to develop better design considerations for every part of the clinic. When ACT asked us to design a campaign for National Recovery Month, we wanted to tackle stigma. I helped develop the campaign strategy and narrative with CfC team members – Dara Benno and Jon Soske. I designed the ‘no-stigma’ logo and visual language that tied the campaign together. The output included designing:
   Logo and tagline
   Visual language
   Poster concepts, design, and copy​​​​​​​

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